This collection is from Hussein Chalayan for the spring/summer in 1998, the catwalk show was placed on a white back grounded stage, the concept was about naturalism of a naked woman. It also represents the Muslim woman’s and indicates the Islamic culture. I think that it meansa lot to a woman thoughts and rights, especially during 1998, it attract attention and in some point it gives the message such as having the freedom or live without a limitations.
Models with feet long white veils only the eyes and feet it shown, the hands inside the veils,standing strainght and seperated all over the stage.

The show was started off with a naked model with the black mask on and the second model entered just after her with a short black veil only the bust areas was covered, the other part of the body were all naked and the eyes were shown. Third model had the same thing with black veil but the length of the veil increased and the most part of the body are covered except her legs, as the other models comes in the length increases more and more until last model. They are six models and white skinned but on the image, you can see three of the model faces are painted in red and it has the cross sign on it, it symbolises something such as flag of a Muslim country or blood.
I watched the spring/summer 1998 collection video from Hussein Chalayans website, his collections means more than one thing and I personally think that his really creative and open-minded designer. As far as I seen his collections, I think his one of the designers that printed his name in the fashion world because he is not just creating a garment he is putting his artistic side too and brings out that interesting work of collection. I have the link below so if you wanted to look at his amazing collections you can click on.
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